Solomon Plays Angels of Death – Episode 3 (Redo)

Solomon repeatedly pats himself on the back by commending his narration in this video.

Repeating Myself

I am not a firm believer of “There’s always a silver lining.” However, I do believe hardship can sometimes result in better rewards later. An extremely taxing and difficult job may train you to ultimately excel in your field. Your dog may die abruptly, but then your family discovers a new favorite recipe. For me, Elgato crapped out, destroying an entire video, but in redoing the video, I produced better work.

Like I did with many of my GoNNER videos, for this one, I regurgitated everything I mentioned in my first go-around. However, in the first take, I stuttered, paused, and just generally struggled with reading, remembering clues, and talking. The retake allowed me to focus on my monologue as I played on auto-pilot. The result came out more coherent and wittier (to my test audience of Player Two at least).

The process has made me reconsider how I approach recording. I imagine I can still provide adequate commentary if I play an action-based game with minimal dialogue. Stuff like Angels of Death, however, require more focus. As such, with my fifth video, I will experiment with something new: I’ll record the video without commentary and then record myself as I view the video. This allows me to mentally create a script based on what I’ve played and deliver it without the pressure of tracking the game’s story.

Revolutionary, I know, but it’s a step in defining my style. Because I miss my themed videos, I may step away from Let’s Plays for a bit as well. Regardless, let me know your thoughts, whether you prefer my incoherent rambling or my refined rambling.

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