Angels of Death

Solomon Plays GoNNER – Episode 11 (End)

Solomon Plays GoNNER – Episode 11 (End)

The End of an Era

Prior to beginning this series, I worried recording would negatively impact my enjoyment of GoNNER.  Recording stresses me, even if I’ve grown more comfortable since my first video.  I reasoned this stress would heighten my saltiness and dull the immersion.  Having since moved to Angels of Death, I know performing certainly detaches me from the video game somewhat, but it does not seem to make the experience worse.  If anything, because I’m “on camera,” I feel like I have to be calmer, which ultimately makes me just that.

It may just be GoNNER, but I doubt I wouldn’t have liked the game any more or less if I had played it without an audience, however metaphysical that audience currently is.  Immersion didn’t matter much for GoNNER, so I could monologue as I needed.  Talking definitely made it more difficult to concentrate during intense segments, but judging by my incoherent commentary during these moments, it seems my brain helped me focus by shutting down my communication abilities.

If recording has changed anything, it was my pace.  Based on the Switch’s incredibly accurate time log, I invested anywhere from 5-10 hours into GoNNER.  Without a microphone shoved in my face, I probably would have blown through the game in two to three weeks.  With my self-imposed rule to only play while recording, the game stretched over three months.  Over this time, I neither savored GoNNER nor resented it.  By the end, I was ready to move on, but that’s more on the game than on the recording process.

It’s been a journey, everyone, full of Elgato pains and ad-lib triumphs.  Now, we move forward with Angels of Death.  I may not do this Let’s Play stuff until the end of time, but I gotta farm this concept for a least another six videos.

Posted by Solomon Rambling in Video, 0 comments