Looking at Lydia: A Conversation about Abuse and Neglect

Solomon continues delving into mental health, touching upon substance abuse as well as he discusses Lydia.

Meanwhile, this article is only slightly related

As I am writing this, I am in a Brakes Plus, waiting to get my oiled changed. Because this is for Player 2’s car, I had forgotten to bring a mask, which are all in my car. As a person who believes in wearing masks during this pandemic, I feel like an idiot. The sign on the door says we’re mandated to wear masks, further guilting me, justifiably.

However, here I am, still in the shop, maskless. If I had to return home to grab a mask, I would miss my appointment. I had called ahead, explaining my situation, and the kind owner told me they don’t “enforce” their mask policy. When I spoke with the receptionist, I apologized for not wearing a mask, stating I would check the auto store nearby to see if they sold them.

She looked at me sweetly and stated, “You don’t need to worry about that here.” She nor any other worker was wearing a mask. She spoke with the same patience and acceptance one would show to a foreigner who is still learning the customs of the country.

God bless American ignorance. If they had actually enforced their policy, they may have had spare masks. Otherwise, I would have lost my appointment. Instead, I am in a Brake’s Plus in which all the customers remove their masks as they wait to get their oil changed. The logical thing for me to do is to reschedule my appointment, but that would be an inconvenience. I’ve thought less of others think wearing a mask is inconvenient.

I don’t really get political on this site, nor do I want to. I’m also of the opinion that this isn’t a political issue but a health issue.

In this video, I talk of the importance of moving forward, being aware of our actions, and making change. Even in these awful times, I am hopeful humanity can rise above themselves and improve how we act. Even in this moment, I believe that.

But we are a stupid species. So fragile and so utterly stupid.

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