Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind+ Walkthrough 9 – House of Pestilence

It may have been two months since his last video, but Solomon aspires to post a video a week moving forward. The fool!

Running Down the Clock

Red Rope:  Don’t Fall Behind+ came out on the Switch on November 6th, 2020, almost one year ago.  I had hoped to finish the Red Rope walkthrough before that date, and theoretically, I still can if I release a video a week.  Ultimately, I had wanted to finish by its anniversary in order to launch a contest, challenging people to beat Player 2 and my score.  The video walkthrough would make it easier for people to do that and ideally make it so more people play the game.

I will like still hold the contest, but people may have to settle for an incomplete series.  I will plan to finish the walkthrough, and my new deadline will be the end of November.  At that time, I will welcome a new addition to my household, and it is very unlikely I will have any brain power to finish a series then.

As such, I have editing to do. I hope to release the Red Rope review by this time next week!  We will see if that happens, but that’s how it goes.

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