Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind+ Walkthrough 3 – House of Autumn

Solomon provides an overview of the monsters you'll find in the first fours houses of Red Rope: Don't Fall Behind+.

The Beasties After Your Blood

Now that we have covered three houses, you have seen almost every single enemy in the initial four houses, of which there are only six.  Here, I’ll provide an overview of all of them for easy reference.

Blue Fire (Ignis Fatuus):  Blue fire follows a set path above water.  Like regular fire in the game, you can put it out by quickly running your rope through it.  However, if your rope remains on it for too long, the fire will singe through it as well.  When taking out blue fire, make sure both you and your partner are on dry land as you run past it.  If you walk through the water, you’ll be too slow to survive.
Ghosts (the Damned) and the Tombstones:  These ghosts come in male and female forms but die all the same.  Simply pass your rope over them, and they disappear.  However, these ghosts will continue to respawn from tombstones until you destroy them.  Ghosts will most often shamble their way toward you, so you can bait them until they are far enough away from the tombstones.  Once you do this, weave your way around them and encircle the tombstones to destroy them.  From there, you can take out the ghosts permanently.  Ghosts can lunge at you, but if you keep your distances, you should be fine.  You can also farm ghosts if you want to increase the length of your rope.
Hands:  These only appear in the House of Summer and are unkillable.  They hide in the sand and are only visible when you walk within a square patch of them, at which point they will reach up in the air.  You must avoid these, and I have marked them in my video for the house.  If one of you falls into their grasp, the other player must run away from the hands in order to pull the trapped player out.  The shorter your rope, the less you have to run away.  If both of you get stuck, you’re dead.
Harpy:  In the first four houses, the harpy only appears in one room in the House of Winter.  It will fly in a set path above the stage, making you unable to reach it.  Once it sees you, it will swing down toward you, a little faster that the other monsters you’ve encountered thus far.   If your partner and you dodge to either side of it as it attacks, you will have a brief opportunity to circle around it and kill it.  If you don’t, it will fly back up to safety until it attacks you again.
Shades (Ghosts):  This enemy is confusing because I call them “shades,” but the developers call them “ghosts,” which is the name I use for the “Damned.”  Anyway, these monsters (both female and male variants) have two forms.  In their starting form, they are translucent and can kill you.  You must pass your rope over them like you would the ghosts.  This makes the monsters appear darker, and in this temporary form, they cannot hurt you and will actively run from you.  If you double back just as you pass over them, it will be easier to wrap around them and kill them.
Zombies:  As with the ghosts and shades, you have male and female variants of these, the latter of which I call “banshees” in the videos.  Zombies will follow a set path until you engage them.  They will lunge at you, allowing you to juke to the side and wrap around them.  They can change directions if you are not quick enough, but they are generally easy to take out.

See my video journal article for the first house for information on skeletons, keys, and shadows. 

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