Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind+ Walkthrough 7 – House of Fire

Solomon returns to actual walkthrough writing by describing the monsters you find in the intermediate houses of Red Rope.

The Intermediate Beasties

We’re close to getting through all of the intermediate houses, so let’s review what monsters we find in them.  Each house had two new enemies apiece (with the exception of the House of Wind), excluding the mini-bosses. 

Cotton Ball (Spore) – Wind:  These puff balls float aimlessly about the stage and will home slightly toward you when you near it.  Passing your rope over them will kill them.  They don’t add anything to your rope length.
Flame Guy (Magma Soldier) – Fire:  Like all other spear guys, these enemies will lunge at you with their weapons.  Additionally, when they glow orange, they can burn through your rope.  Wait until they cool off and change color; then swing in for the kill.
Frog (Water Monster) – Water:  When the water level is high, these monsters will look like shadows in the water.  They will chase after you if you enter their line of sight in the water, dragging you below the surface.  On dry land or when the water level is lowered, they’ll look like tiny frogs and can be killed by stepping on them. 
Guard (Terracotta Soldier) – Earth:  They’re spear guys, so they’ll try to poke you.  Wrap around them to kill them like the rest.  However, you need to stay wrapped around them for a few seconds, allowing them to glow before they finally disappear.  Go for the kill after they lunge at you. 
Merman (Triton) – Water:  Our last spear guys aren’t that special.  They are faster than their brethren but will only lunge at you.  Show them no mercy, and avoid getting them in the water.
Sand Worm – Earth:  These worms hide in the sand, and a bullseye shadow will only chase after you once you enter their territory.  Once the shadow is under you, the sand worm will raise up to snatch you.  They’ll stay above ground for a few seconds, allowing you to wrap around them.
Witch (Burning Lady) – Fire:  Burn the witch by passing your rope over her.  After that, she’s on fire and will chase after you, presumably for lighting her on fire.  She’ll burn your rope if you stop running from her, and she’ll naturally burn to death if you manage to escape her for four or five seconds.

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